The Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of the Rockies, Inc.

2002 Raffle

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Drawing to be held on August 17, 2002 in conjunction with the 2002 Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of the Rockies Specialty Show to be held in Greeley, Colorado .

Three Lucky Winners will get their choice, in order of drawing, of these great raffle items!

14 K Gold Coin Necklace of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi with 14K gold 23 inch rope chain. Elizabeth II, Gibraltar 1991 With profile of Elizabeth on back "Royal .001 oz. 999.9" with Corgi face on front.

Original, handpainted wooden plate, signed "Fran '99". 14" across, 3/4" deep..


Handpainted ceramic bowl by Zeppa, Kent, CT. 1998. 12" across, 3 1/2" deep.

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