Corgi Info Rescue Puppies

Jimanie/Trifecta Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppies

Trifecta Dress Rehearsal, BN "Sweep"

This is the only photo we have of SWEEP that is not of her in motion!
It is her "baby" picture at around 12 weeks of age.
She lives at Woodwynne with Linda Stoddard. Sweep excels at herding and obedience.
We never showed her in conformation simply because Linda did not want to take the time away from her performance training.
Her registered name is Trifecta Dress Rehearsal, BN (Beginner Novice Obedience Title)

has been bred to Grand CH Riverside Captain Orange "Crush"

Sweep's sire is CH Jimanie's Phantom of the Opera "Andrew"
by Ch. Sua Mah Always in Cahoots out of Jimanie's Sweet Talker

Sweep's dam is Woodwynne Bell Book and Candle
"Lily" shown below at the 2007 PWCCA National Specialty shown by co-owner, Denise Scott
"Lily" is co-owned with Linda Stoddard and Stephanie Hedgepath

See Sweep's pedigree here.

Crush's sire is Australian, New Zealand and American Champion Aberlee Phantom Sequence, ROMX


and Crush's dam is the incomparable "Deidre"

Deidre Westminster Win

Deidre is shown here taking Best of Breed at the
Westminster Kennel Club Show in NYC

Deidre Crufts

Deidre is the first Pembroke Welsh Corgi from the United States to win Best of Breed at the largest dog show in the world, Crufts, in Birmingham, England. She not only made history by winning the breed, but she went Reserve in the Pastoral Group - another one for the record books! She is shown here with her breeder/owner/handler, Deb Shindle of Riverside Pembroke Welsh Corgis.

Caribe CH, CH of the Americas, Multi Best in Show, Multi Best in Specialty Show, #10 All Time Top BIS Pembrokes
GrandCH Riverside Wicked Wonderful CGC
Deidre is one of my all time favorite Pembroke Welsh Corgis
and I was delighted to get the chance to breed one of our girls to her lovely son, Crush!


For more information on these puppies, contact Stephanie Hedgepath

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